Thursday, March 26, 2009

Boom, Bust, Recovery

1. This is a picture of Henry Ford, standing next to a Ford model T. I chose this picture because this was the period when automobiles started to become common.

2. This is a picture of an alcohol bust during the prohibition. I chose this picture because this is the period when the prohibition took place.

3. This is a picture of early radio technology. I chose this picture because this was the period when radios started to become common.

4. This is a picture of George Herman “Babe” Ruth. I chose this picture because it was during this period that he became known as one of the greatest baseball players to ever live.

5. This is a picture of women’s rights activists celebrating the passing of the 19th Amendment. I chose this picture because it was during this period that the 19th Amendment was passed.

6. This is a political cartoon of the red scare, depicting a European anarchist attacking the Statue of Liberty. I chose this because it was during this period that the first Red Scare took place.

7. This is a picture of a Negro League Baseball team. I chose this picture because it was during this period that the league had what was known as their “Golden Age”.

8.This is a picture of the US’s 30th president, Calvin Coolidge. I chose this picture because he was president during this period.

9. This is a picture of organized crime members. I chose this picture because it was during this period that the organized crime in America started to flourish.
10. This is a picture of John Scopes. I chose this picture because it was during this period that he was during this period that he was put on trial for teaching the theory of evolution.

This is a picture of Black Tuesday, the day the stock market crashed. I chose this picture because Black Tuesday started a chain reaction that lead to the great depression.

12. This is a picture of a sand storm in the Dust Bowl. I chose this picture because it was during this period that the “windy thirties” took place, which was a time when sand storms were extremely common in the area known as the Dust Bowl.

13. This is a picture of unemployed people during the great depression. I chose this picture because during the great depression unemployment was horribly high.

This is a picture of farmers moving to California, hoping that they will have a better shot there. I chose this picture to show how many farmers had a rough time during the Depression.

15. This is a picture of a bread line, where people who couldn’t afford to buy it could get it free. I chose this picture because many people had to use bread lines to survive during this time.

16. This is a picture of a soup kitchen, where people could get soup for free when they didn’t have money for food. I chose this because many people had to live off soup kitchens during this time.

17. This is a picture of the 31st, president of the US, Herbert Hoover. I chose this picture because he was the president during this period.

18. This is a picture of a hooverville, which was named after president Hoover, because many people blamed him for what had happened to the economy. I chose this picture because Hoovervilles became very common during this period.

19. This is a picture of the book the Grapes of Wrath, which was written by John Steinbeck. I chose this picture because it was about people living in the Dust Bowl.

20. This is a picture of a stock market chart. I chose this picture because the stock market played a major role in the Great Depression.
21. This is a picture of the US’s 32nd president, Franklin D. Roosevelt. I chose this picture because he was president during the recovery period.

22. This is a picture of Eleanor Roosevelt, the First Lady and wife to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. I chose this picture because many women looked up to her during the Depression.

23. This picture shows the New Deal. I chose this picture because it was during this period that the New Deal went into effect in an attempt to jumpstart the economy.

24. This a picture of the FDIC emblem. I chose this picture, because it was during this period that the FDIC was started in an attempt to protect peoples’ bank accounts.

25. This is a picture of the US Securities and Exchange Commission emblem. I chose this picture, because it was during this period that the SEC was started to enforce security laws and regulate the securities industry.

26. This picture shows a family who were affected by the Agricultural Adjustment Act. I chose this picture, because it was during this period that the act was put into effect in an attempt to raise the worth of crops.

27. This is a picture of a National Youth Administration meeting. I chose this picture, because it was during this period that it was started and paid students to do “work study” projects for school.

28. This is a picture of a National Industrial Recovery Act pamphlet. I chose this picture, because it was during this period that it went into affect to regulate banks.

29. This is a picture of a Social Security card. I chose this picture, because it was during this period that the Social Security program went into affect in an attempt to ensure people retirement among other things.

30. This is a picture of the Tennessee Valley Authority emblem. I chose this picture, because it was during this period that the TVA was created for navigation, flood control, electricity generation and other things in the Tennessee valley.



I really like the pictures he had for each event. And I also like how he describe the pictures he picked and why. This was a good expamle of the Boom, Bust, Recovery.

j.c said...

I like every thing about this project.the way you designed it.
i aslso like the topics you chose
for it. it all makes perfect sense.Good project Jim.

carrie said...

Excellent product. See grading rubric for additional comments. Your critiques on your peers' displays are thorough.
30/30 points.