Thursday, February 26, 2009

Good and Bad

Do people only change after something bad happens? I don’t think so. Yes, people do often change when something bad happens, but not exclusively. Also people can change for good or for bad. If some thing bad happens, such as a boys father is murdered, he could change for better or worse. He could fall into depression, and get into drugs, or he could become a police officer in an attempt to keep similar situations from happening to others. There is also the possibility of changing when something good happens. People could change for better or worse in this situation as well. For instance, an intelligent young woman gets a full scholarship to a prestigious university. She could use it to the fullest by getting a degree and going out into the world and making something of herself, or she could get involved with the wrong crowd, get into drugs and get busted, and kicked out of school. Both good things and bad things can cause people to change for good or bad. Its up to each person to determine how they will change.

1 comment:

brad said...

Great dissecting from both sides Jim. Your perspective is much different from others as you are saying both, good and bad conditons can be a cause for change. I certainly agree. You have some really good examples in supporting your thoughts. Excellent job!
