Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Reflection on 'How I Became a Printer in Philidephia'

One thing I learned about life in the colonies, was how common it was for people to become indentured servants. Benjamin Franklin was an indentured servant/apprentice to his brother James. The servitude was supposed to last nine years. This was the thing that surprised me the most. When people think of Benjamin Franklin, they think of the man who was one of the greatest Americans, which he was, who discovered electricity. No one would ever think that he came from such a humble background. One of the things that I found to be the most different from modern day America is how then you weren't allowed to voice opinions. Because one of the newspapers that James Franklin published criticised the British government he was imprisoned and told that he couldn't publish that newspaper again. Freedom of speech and freedom to express opinions is one of our greatest freedoms, and one that I greatly appreciate.

1 comment:

carrie said...

It's obvious from your reflection that you read and understood the reading. Great details from the reading to strengthen your post. I didn't know that he was an indentured servant!

Some small errors that can be fixed for maximum points. As is 28/30 points.