Monday, November 17, 2008

Government and Revolution

These are five purposes of government that I came up with. The first is to create legislature. All nations need laws. The second is law enforcement. If there isn't anyone to enforce the laws what is the point of having them. The third is to have a judiciary system. There must be consequences when laws are broken. The forth is protection in the form of a military. A nation needs to be able to protect itself from foreign, and sometimes native threats. The fifth is an executive system. Nations need a person who can make decisions when there isn't enough time to be democratic.

Would I rebel if the government failed to follow through with these things. I don't know. I would actually be more worried about my government abusing this power instead of not fulfilling it. For instance if the government was creating laws that were taking away rights and making me more under their control. If the judiciary system was making decision not based upon the laws, but instead upon political aspects. If the executive, which in America is a president, was making choices that furthered it's own agendas. I'm not sure how far it would have to go to make me rebel. It's not a decision that I take lightly, and is one I hope I never have to make. It's a decision that I would probably have to contemplate for months before actually making. It's a rather frightening thing to think about. Hopefully I'll never need to.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Good list. Is it the government's job to also provide social services?
I understand your reasoning for having such a difficult time answering the second question for this post, but you did a good job explaining yourself.

Good thorough post. 20/20 points.